The Toons service & parts crew focuses primarily on repowering of vessels, rigging, electronic sales, repair, and service. What makes our Toons boat service department different from any other around? We can do way more than just plan service. We have the best trained outboard technicians in Grove, Oklahoma… and we offer the best quality of work on Grand Lake. We are also one of the only dealers in the midwest to offer on the water mobile service, detail service and boat washing/detailing station.
Our crew offers the most professional, reliable marine services, from rigging a new boat to completely redesigning & repowering your existing vessel, we can handle it. Maybe it’s just maintenance. We offer an express bay at competitive pricing using only factory oils, if you own a four-stroke outboard, we can take care of it. What about upgrades? All your electronic upgrades, and repairs are completed by a marine electronics specialist. Fully factory trained and fully certified to complete all warranty repairs across all major outboard motor brands like Suzuki, Honda & Mercury.